
Kenya Military Academy

Kenya Military Academy

Kenya Military Academy Library


The Kenya Military Academy serves the entire Military academy community. It is located within the Gen R Kibwana wing of the main administration block that is Gen D R Tonje complex. The main users of the library are Cadets (students of Bsc in Defence and Security) and the entire Academy staff. It strives to provide information resources that propel the Academy’s Vision of being a Centre of excellence for foundational Military Officer training and education.

The library therefore endeavors to provide relevant and adequate information resources to the ever-changing Cadets training needs. Since the Academy is the entry of the Cadets into the military life, the library aims to inculcate in the cadets an understanding of the importance of continuous and effective use of information resources for studying, teaching, research and lifelong learning.

Working Hours

  • Monday7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Thursday7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Friday7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Saturday8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Sundays and Public HolidaysClosed
Information Resources

The library houses about 15,000 copies of textbooks and handbooks that cover various subject areas that include Military studies, Diplomacy, International relations, History studies, Research, Psychology, Communication among others. It has about 2500 copies of professional military manuals.

These are available on the shelves. It has a sitting capacity of 450 users at any one time. The library further provides users with electronic resources through the Kenya Library and Information Recourses Consortium subscription platform. It further provides Internet access to the users through the Online Resource centre.

Contact Us

We’re Happy to Discuss
Your Project and Answer
any Question


The Kenya Military Academy – Attn Library
P O Box 370


Telephone Number

051-851141 Ext 3416

Want to talk? Let`s do it!